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Frequently Asked Questions

Why did my car get towed, it was parked on the street in front of my home?


Residents are not allowed to park on the street, your guest is allowed, however they need to have a valid guest pass from security.  Click here for the towing policy

How Many Homes are in Keys Gate? 


Today there are approximately 3,900 homesites in the 15 neighborhoods that currently comprise Keys Gate.

I hear that Keys Gate is a private neighborhood. What does that mean?


Keys Gate was developed as a “Planned Unit Development" (PUD).  The Keys Gate Community Association (KGCA) is responsible for the care and maintenance of all common areas, including road repair, landscaping, and maintenance of select amenities. Fees are assessed to each homeowner to cover the Association’s capital and operating costs.

Who manages Keys Gate?


Keys Gate Community Association (KGCA) contracted with Miami Management Inc. (MMI) to manage the Keys Gate community. The Keys Gate Community Association is governed by a Board of Directors.  Every neighborhood also has a“Delegate”.  Each Delegate must be a homeowner and is “elected” by Homeowners in his or her neighborhood.  The Delegate communicates the concerns of those Homeowners to the Board of Directors of the Keys Gate Community Association.  All homeowners are encouraged to participate in the management of their neighborhood through their neighborhood Delegate.  Click here for Delegate info 


Are there meetings for the Association?


Yes.  All homeowners in Keys Gate, who are, by definition, members of the Keys Gate Community Association, will be notified of the times and dates of the meetings via this website, the Key Notes, signs in the neighborhood and by letter if it is an official notification.

I want to renovate my home or property, what should I know?


Most requests for home or property renovations must undergo an approval process. 


The request for such renovations must first be reviewed by the appropriate Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC), or by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) of the respective neighborhood.  If the NAC or ACC approves the request, the request is again reviewed by the Keys Gate Architectural Review Board (ARB).  Only after the ARB approves the request, and all necessary and required governmental permits have been obtained, can work begin on the desired renovation.  For more information, please review the “Keys Gate Community Standards” and direct further questions to Miami Management.


Download the Request For Architectural Review Form

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